Monday, June 18, 2012

Mother Jones News sent in an investigative reporter

I have been following the horrible happenings at the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center in Canton since 2007, when Mother Jones News did a cover story on this place.
I invite you to call them up and ask for a tour.  You'll get a 'dog and pony' show, but at least it will give you some context. 
Several follow-ups to the cover story were made during this year.

Here is a set of links for the shocking stories of the inhumane practices in this place, licensed by the state of Ma.  I thought we were through with torture when we quit dunking the old ladies for being witches, and pressing the old guys with stones for being warlords.

1 comment:

  1. "I thought we were through with torture when we quit dunking the old ladies for being witches, and pressing the old guys with stones for being warlords."

    Especially in Massachusetts!
